what to do when someone makes fun of your hobby

Ness Pajamas SW sprite Do people brand fun of or tease yous for your interests?

I'g 15 (almost xvi, I plough 16 in 15 days) and have been fabricated fun of for my interests since I was 10. For three years straight from 2010 to 2013, I was fabricated fun of for liking things such as Nihon and Nintendo. Being made fun of for liking Nintendo would increment for me beginning in 2011 and fifty-fifty more and so in early on 2012.
Finally by the end of 2013 that all came to an stop, but when I started my freshman year of loftier school in August 2014, people started making fun of me because I like 2NE1, even by some people who are my friends (although they didn't do information technology equally much as some people) which really annoyed me.
Afterwards a while that began to pass, but now one of my friends (one of my friends who was too made fun of for liking 2NE1) says I'm a disgrace because I similar Nirvana. He likewise goes on and on nigh how the Wii U is a bad console is vastly inferior to the Wii.

Simply minecraft and even then that was only for a while, I don't remember I ever got bullied but for liking nintendo or something.

In the cases of 2NE1 and Nirvana it was teasing rather than bullying, but yes, I was teased for three whole years and that would lead into bullying in 2011 and 2012.

I had a "friend" in 8th grade that teased me because of what my "religion" (which was unquestioned at the time) believed in. He was annoyed at my tendency to not want to eat much pork, he called me a petty kid because i could non bring myself to like games such as Skyrim, CoD, GTA, Mortal Kombat and the such simply i could similar Zelda and Smash.

In 7th course two kids i thought were friends called me a big baby because i didn't take a phone and, over again, because i didn't like Thou rated, violent and/or bloody games.

In unproblematic people didn't actually similar the fact that i liked Sonic.

It's only in my electric current school that i experience safe being myself and even in that location i have to hibernate some parts considering i'thou so afraid of what others volition think because of what happened in my previous academic years


only one person iirc has teased me based off of my interests. some child in my music class called me a hipster for liking radiohead. eh, whatcha gonna practise, amirite?

really nearly of the making fun of and bullying is for my difficulty with physical exercise and my terrible social skills.

save me, president jesus.

someone tried to bully me once and i calmly and confidently got them suspended.


I hated high school for a reason.

I second Marietta. Loftier school was bad for me in that regard but middle school was probably the worst. I really open up well-nigh my honey and obsession with Star Trek, which was a strike against me solitary, but that paired with my awkward/abrasive/hyperactive personality and poor social skills was a recipe for disaster.

Then again, in high schoolhouse I was far less open about my interests merely that didn't foreclose people from calling me Muse 'Girl' backside my back. Only come to remember of it autonomously from the misgendering that wasn't particularly offensive. Only kind of odd, considering apart from wearing my hoodie from time to time I never really talked near them that much unless asked.


Kids at my school are generally decent compared to what others are saying. However, sometimes I don't like to admit my preferences as not to make me seem like a loser. I've e'er been viewed equally kinda neutral to other students (although, it's changing for the ameliorate). I don't share them so much though as I think about what could potentially happen earlier saying lots of things (it'south more of an avoiding affair). For me, middle school is more stressful because of grades and the (very loftier) standards I concord myself to.

Livin' Chaotic Good

I don't say what i similar and don't like for the most part and everything is fine.

The return of Gyro? Nah.

Yep. It's any. I don't alive to impress others.

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[8:16:39 PM] James Tombs: me and andrew doing dkc
[eight:eighteen:13 PM] MariettaRC: you poor soul

dont permit the man put you downwards for liking innocent things that brand you happy

I was oftentimes teased for the stuff I liked in middle schoolhouse, my obsessions showed up… a lot. Never got bullied considering of it, tho, kids found meaner reasons to slap-up me. It all stopped at high schoolhouse when I went to a trade schoolhouse I found a huge bunch of new people to hang out, about of which were manner nicer and more than mature. In that location were plenty of nerds similar me there, either way, and so I felt "at home" haha. Never again had a problem with bullying and/or teasing. In fact, nowadays some people actually are willing to give my baroque hobbies a endeavour as well.

I melted away one warm winter twenty-four hours. Only I'll always remain in your memory.

At worst, all I've e'er gotten was "yo whys there a squirrel on your shoulder man."

"I won't have the ban from anyone but my true beloved Jordan Keller."

during freshman and sophomore year i idea my gf at the time was making fun of me considering i liked homestuck

later on on I realized that the real reason why was considering i wouldn't close the -- upward almost it when literally I was the merely one that cared.

During my feel? Not and so much really…

Most people from my generation hither 'round my identify have watched an anime or 2 in their childhood in the by (whether information technology be Dragon Ball Z, Yu Yu Hakusho, Slam Douse, Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon.) and so….

And heck, street vendors outside our school even sell (bootlegged) toys from the shows themselves! It'southward basically like… a mainstream matter here. At least i kid will know most one of those shows.

In 7th grade two kids i thought were friends called me a big baby because i didn't have a phone and, once more, because i didn't like M rated, fierce and/or bloody games.

^ But change 7th course to every grade.

People diss on me for liking singing, Nintendo, Star Wars and most anything absurd.

fund schools, cancel water ice, trans rights

All of that is seriously cool, especially singing


I also get picked on for liking Disney.

Zelda and Mother and Blast as well, but I judge that comes under Nintendo.

fund schools, abolish ice, trans rights

I remember once in elementary school, the person who regularly bullied me at the time made fun of me for liking the Archie Comics Sonic the Hedgehog comic. I can't remember which form I was in at the fourth dimension and he didn't follow that up with anything, such as, 'You ought to be reading 'Superman' instead, like a 'normal' person.

Though, back in the early nineties, that comic had more of an 'Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog' vibe than it does now, at least when it was starting out. (To be honest, I kind of liked it that mode. Only, whaddyagunnado?) So mayhap that was the reason he spoke up? I take no idea.

The kids at my schoolhouse had probably never heard of Mother (I really didn't know what it was until a few years ago). They did make fun of my interests, though. Every five seconds it was "Go play Mario Kart, nerd!" I also hated school sports with a passion. I hate basketball the most (I tried it for iii years, simply I still detest information technology), which led to lots of taunting. I also never played football (I'chiliad e'er paranoid about brain damage), and many of my classmates did. I always prized intelligence over athletic ability.

When people brand fun of y'all like this there'south two very important things to keep in mind:

i) They're non targeting you because your interests are incorrect. They're targeting you because your interests are different. People are naturally intimidated past that which they don't understand and often use it equally a reason to lash out.

2) They continue to do information technology because you take it personally and requite them a reaction. Don't permit it get to you. But let their comments roll off you. When someone makes fun of a thing you lot like, either jokingly agree or merely give them this 1. Simply try non to let them go a rise out of yous because that's actually all they're later on.

And finally, if a friend or group of friends are the ones responsible but cutting them out of your life. I don't intendance how long you've known them. A toxic person is a toxic person. If they're really your friend they'll discover you putting distance between yourselves and endeavour to make amends.

Ane thing that's importat to go on in listen when y'all're in high school is that at least 90% of the people y'all currently know will not exist a function of your life any longer in most v or 6 years. Of all the hundreds of people I went to loftier school with, I could probably tell you where nearly six of them are now. If you only find a few close agreeing friends- or fifty-fifty none at all- don't feel bad. High schoolhouse is but one very minor, stupid office of your life and there's gonna be a lot more to come and plenty of opportunities to meet new people.

Hell yes people make fun of me for my interests all the time, and I'thousand a grown man

I respond past not caring in the slightest and doing them anyway

Hey, if they wanna be miserable existence jerks, more power to em I say

I was willing to requite this place another chance… and some other… and another… for more than a year at present.
I thought this was supposed to be an EarthBound forum. I idea this was supposed to exist one of the more civilized places on the internet.
I was wrong. Yet I knew it all along.

What AA said. I never had much trouble with it because once people realized I was no fun, because I literally just didn't intendance enough nigh them to give much of a reaction, they left me lonely. People can be mean and awful, just it's important to understand why they are. Humans are social and competitive animals and it isn't always easy to rise to a higher place our natural inclinations; on top of that, a lot of people come from poor families are are neglected or from rich families and spoiled rotten.

I used to get made fun of for not liking sports, for being into kids cartoons, Pokemon, Harry Potter, theatre… Y'all proper name it, and if I liked it I probably got teased past people who didn't think information technology was their jam. I never actually let it bother me, though, even in middle school. I think the worst was when I talked to a guy in loftier school every twenty-four hours and he was only into Call of Duty and I think a few days after talking about some RPGs he asked me if I was gay? At that point I had no clue I was bigender or pan, so I was very confused by the question. He ended upward dating my cousin for a while likewise, which was all the more weird.

Only I think the reason I didn't let information technology bother me was because I realized not everything I similar other people like (or fifty-fifty know). If somebody ever tried to tease me for information technology I'd just be similar "yes, it's not for everyone" and they'd exist like "oh… okay".

during freshman and sophomore year i idea my gf at the time was making fun of me considering i liked homestuck

later on on I realized that the real reason why was because i wouldn't close the — up most it when literally I was the only 1 that cared.

Keep this in mind, too. If you lot won't shut upwardly about what you lot like and don't give others a chance to share they similar or say what they like is dumb, they're gonna respond negatively.

I was picked on in middle school, (and dealt with isolation in simple), what'south interesting is that many of the aforementioned people who picked on me back and then grew to similar me in high school. I mean, nosotros weren't friends by any stretch of the imagination, but all my former "bullies" ended up on expert terms with me past the time graduation rolled around. It may non piece of work for everyone, simply kindness can really hit dwelling house with somebody who wasn't expecting it from you lot. Just effort non to treat people like your enemy, even if they are a jerk, and they may stop trying to provoke you. Allow their guilt practice the piece of work for you lot.

I made a youtube channel D: Check it out… if yous DARE

Nope. I've never been teased for my interests.

Here is the key to not alienating people, in my opinion. When discussing hobbies, read the other person to see how engaged they are. Don't be over begetting or come across as obsessive.

As well, diversify your interests. The more variety of things yous tin talk about, the more relatable yous can be.

For example, I tin can talk at depth about the claim of Koichi Sugiyama as a composer, the history of the Noldor during the 1st age, whether or non the principality of zeon was justified during the one twelvemonth war, and how to play DND.

Simply I tin also talk about the merits of Donald Trump as a candidate, whether or not Tom Brady is the Goat (he is), where the best golf courses are and what the best ring ever is.

But here is the thing. Y'all shouldn't talk about yourself that much anyway. People discover yous much more than interesting when you talk near them and their interests.

As for being teased about interests, I wouldn't nearly it also much. That sort of stuff passes equally people grow upwardly

This is no Zaku, boy. NO ZAKU!

All the kids on my schools are ps4 or xbox fans. I did saw some guys playing Pokemon on their phone and joined them. But if the CoD fans see you playing Nintendo, they laugh at you.

I was teased in one case for liking Undertale, so I sent them copies on Steam.
Haven't heard harsh words since. > w <

I was picked on throughout Middle School for my general nerdiness. Playing nintendo games and having a DS/3DS was a big topic they liked to tease me nearly. Luckily it seems that nowadays that geekiness is actually beingness viewed almost in a hipster-y cool way.

Back in school people made fun of my interest in one-time-schoolhouse video games. A specific instance comes to mind when I was playing the original Metroid via Zippo Mission on the GBA. But I was built-in with the amazing souvenir of not really caring what other people thought of me. And back in school I was a troll, good at arguing, funny, and was mean. So normally I'd turn the conversation back on the person making fun of me and brand fun of them. It's a vicious bicycle, I'm much nicer now.

Simply information technology'due south a rough earth to live in if you're a Nintendo fan above the age of 12

Likes Metroid more than than you do (guaranteed or your money back)

See, I'd beloved to exist able to only take rude comments bounce off of me, just I am TERRIBLE at arguing.

Oh, the day when I might become good at will always evade me.

First off if your friends brand fun of y'all for what you like they are not true friends.

When I went through high school I was bullied to the point of being suicidal. To make matters worse the friends I had weren't really friends. They fabricated fun of me for everything I did. I'm pretty sure the only reason why they allow me hang out with them was because they enjoyed putting me down. They made fun of me for liking things such as the NES and SNES. If I and then much every bit opened my mouth to talk about anything I liked I would be yelled at by i of my then chosen friends and told to shut up.
To make matters worse during this fourth dimension some of my relatives also started making fun of me for liking anime.

So what did I practice? Well I did the stupidest thing ever. I made myself hate everything I enjoyed, NES, SNES, and anime. I was desperate for my friends and family unit to leave me alone In one case I graduated I stopped talking to these friends. It has been nine years and I haven't spoken to them since the night of grad.

Eventually I started Academy and I realized that in University no one judges you for what you like. The bulk of the people there probably take the exact same interests as you do. At University you will make true friends who will not gauge yous or put y'all downwards for what you lot savour.

My point is highschool can be difficult, and your highschool friends can be complete jerks. Just never alter who you are for other people. Somewhen you lot volition graduate and get to University and meet existent friends, and y'all will bask every minute of information technology.

I brand fun of my friends for what they like and they make fun of me too. There's a difference betwixt bullying and teasing.

I accept to echo Daska and others who say it doesn't affair what people in [insert school level here] schoolhouse think afterward you go out of it. After high schoolhouse graduation people go their split up ways and y'all'll hardly interact with them once again unless you lot and they brand a conscious effort to.

I can sympathise, however, that until yous accomplish that signal school is pretty much your entire world and that's why beingness bullied can exist emotionally devastating. Like then many here I was for some of my own interests, and there were some interests I had that I never even revealed to some of my friends. Merely after high school it didn't affair. I connected a few of my friendships from that fourth dimension in my life and left everyone else in the dust.

But yep, be yourself. Don't modify but because someone doesn't like something you do. No matter what you do or what your interests are someone's not going to like it. Ricky Nelson said it best: "Yous tin't please everyone then you lot got to delight yourself."


Source: https://forum.starmen.net/forum/General/Discussion/Do-people-make-fun-of-or-tease-you-for-your-interests

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